The Charles & Chase Group offers you the experience and reliability you are looking for when building or remodeling your home. Please see below a selection of construction projects we managed from preconstruction planning to finish.
Bay Shore Road
Project Location: Sarasota
This project consisted of a two-story addition to an existing circa 1924 house. The Owner preferred a Design-Build contracting method. Charles & Chase applied for and acquired all permits and zoning approvals (50% FEMA rule applications and other). The addition included expansion of the existing family room, new second floor bedroom, new 1st floor Art Studio, and new 2-car garage. Exterior siding materials were selected to match the existing 1924 house along with hurricane impact rated windows and doors meeting current code requirements.

Westway Drive
Project Location: Sarasota
This project consisted of a 5,000 square foot renovation to a contemporary home on Lido Shores. The project was design by Guy Peterson – Office for Architecture. The interior renovations included total remodel of the kitchen, master bath, guest bath, and powder room. Along with new flooring and paint finishes through-out the house, all the door hardware was replaced with stainless steel hardware and contemporary designed handsets. All the lighting and switching was replaced with new LED light fixtures in association with a Lutron wireless total home control system.
other completed projects
- Whitney House – Interior and Exterior Façade Renovations
- Meserve House – Exterior Façade Renovations
- Wood House – Interior and Exterior Façade Renovations
- Siesta Key Circle – Kitchen Remodel
- Yellow Wood Place – Home Office Remodel
- Overbury Place – Addition, Master Suite, Guest Bedroom, and Interior Renovations